AJ – distant learning.

Dear parents!

Recent events all over the world have brought up many changes in all spheres of life including education.  It is high time we shared with you some results we get from our children who are learning English at home now.

The pupils regularly receive their homework by visiting our school google disc and upload it there. As teachers of English we correct their work leaving some relative comments.


To help our students to master listening comprehension tasks we record videos on our YouTube channels.


To diversify our activities we often use interactive worksheets. Here are some examples of the 5th graders.


Another option for us to use quizzes.

To learn vocabulary the kids often play games, e.g.



To sum it up, we would like all of you to learn English, do homework, speak English in the family, watch cartoons and films in English. And what is even more important – stay safe and healthy!


Linda and Evzen